Rojgar Sahay yojna (For small business)
Kadiwala Ghanchi Samaj welfare Trust is basically a registered trust, and the scope is for the entire family of Gujarat resident Kadiwala Ghanchi Samaj.
This trust is created with the objective of making the life of the family members of the society better and contributing to the society by educating the people of the society and helping the widows and helping the poor people for medical purposes.
Funds are generated every year from Kadiwala Samaj. Who donate their donations like, zakat, to the trust and the trust committee manages the fund and distributes it to the needy people in the Kadiwala Ghanchi society
Rojgar Sahay yojna (For small business)
Distribute Three-wheeler Tempo
Distribute Silai machine
Widow women cash Sahay
Arrange Educational and student motivational programme
Honour of bright Student by medal trophy & certificate
Honour of Senior citizen with sal and rose flower
Honor of kadiwala ghanchi society government employee and business persons
The basic objective is that the people of the society come together at one place and meet each other and know each other's family members.
During holy month of Ramazan we collect donation (ZAKAT) from our kadiwala community and distribute to needy poor people as cash or bank transfer fullkit Like Rice, Dall, wheat flour, Besan, Oil Tin,Masala,Salt,Tea,Sugar,Datesand other daily need saman distribute to needy people who is eligible for Ramazan Zakat 20 % of total collection of Zakat is reserve for Education fund and Medical fund
The trust provides financial assistance to poor and deserving children in pursuit of education starting from their primary level to vocational level. Payment of educational fees is made directly to the concerned institution. Applications are entertained on the basis of poor financial status, family employment background and meritorious track record of students. Continuity of financial assistance for subsequent years of study is assured only if quality performance of the student is maintained. Applicants must submit a request form with adequate supporting documents.
The trust provides scholarships and related study grants to needy students. We reward students for encouraging the idea of literacy. There are many adults, who grew up in economically poor families that resulted in early school leaving. In many parts, girls are kept miles away from school privileges. We are planning to conduct education seminars, conferences, free education camps and free distribution of books, notebooks for education training in future.
The trust strives to provide financial assistance for surgery to needy patients. Our trust aims at prompt medical treatment Rs.25000 is given to the needy family to ensure that the patient gets immediate treatment.
Our welfare Trust is founded on strong beliefs of spreading peace, harmony, happiness, and prosperity. The ambition behind the establishment of this welfar trust is to help the people of Kadivala Muslim Ghanchi community.
We are very happy with the service work we have done over the years. We hope to help more people in the coming years in areas like education, health, and small employment businesses.
We sincerely thank everyone who has contributed their time, energy, and capital to our non-profit trust for the welfar of the people of the Kadiwala Muslim Ghanchi community
KadiwalaGhanchi Samaj welfarTrust and its trustees do not seek any monetary donation under duress. Our aim is to spread the message of mutual harmony and love among all. However, people who really want to contribute to our efforts to improve the lives of others can donate their valuable time and suggestions. If your words can help humans appreciate the idea of peace making and lead humanity towards real enlightenment, please share your thoughts on our contribution page.
There are other ways in which you can fulfil your part of helping mankind. Ways that are more realistic and more effective such as being sensitive to the people, animals, and nature around you. The first and foremost purpose is to work for the improvement of your own mind. Such ways of donating will help you grow as a person.